9 Months And We're Almost There!Wrapping Up the Puppy Adolescent Blues
Puppy adolescence usually stomps through the door around 7 months and starts to fade around 9 to 10 months. But, like humans, all puppies react and develop differently. So, be patient and focused on your puppy’s individual behavioral needs during this challenging phase. Puppy parents who stick to a plan in regards to training, socialization, and exercise make it through their pup’s teenage phase as smoothly and stress-free as possible.
A Product Tip
As your pup finishes up adolescence you may still see some pretty aggressive chewing or behavioral changes occurring. The teeth and jaw are strengthening and those chompers need tougher toys to withstand the pressure. Softer plush toys may start to get shredded more quickly, so try tough rubber or rope toys. Remember, no toys are truly indestructible.
Find places where your 9 month pup can run safely off leash (your yard, a dog park, or a training school) and let him have a blast zigging and zagging about. While playing off leash, make sure your pup is constantly checking in with you. It is a good idea to have a high value reward on-hand so you can get his attention, even when he is distracted.
Preventing Puppy Separation AnxietyUnderstanding 9 Month Puppy Behavior
Most puppies behavior may cause some concern when left alone because they are social creatures by nature. However, some pups experience greater distress than others. Separation issues are due in part to genetics (i.e. a predisposition to this), and is in part because they have not had enough time alone as a young puppy.
Some signs of separation anxiety to watch out for include excessive barking, howling, whimpering, and panting, and destructive chewing and scratching. If your 9 month puppy develops separation anxiety he can cause harm to himself and your home when left alone. It is much easier to prevent separation issues than to treat them.
Try these 4 easy steps that will help your 9 month pup appreciate a little alone time!
Practice Makes Perfect For Puppy Training
Provide plenty of practice sessions while you are home as baby steps towards the end goal. Have your pup rest in his crate or tethered a few feet away from you so he can get used to spending short periods of time quietly alone.
Limit Your Hellos and Goodbyes
Keep greetings and departures calm. Building up your pup’s excitement around your comings and goings can make the time you are away far more challenging for them to cope with. Take a moment to relax when you come home before saying hi, and simply exit by setting your pup up with some chew toy fun 5-10 minutes before you leave.
Desensitize Cues
Your pup is smarter, and getting smarter by the day. He will pick up on cues such as the jingling of keys, putting a coat on, etc. Try to desensitize these cues by doing them regularly while you are at home. For example jingle your keys and then go about folding the laundry.
Exercise and Stimulate Your Pup
A 9 month puppy with pent up energy and bored out of his mind is more likely to destroy his surroundings. Give your pup plenty of exercise before long stints alone. Also, help your pup to stay happily engaged with chew toys (and therefore less concerned with your absence) by being creative with the healthy snacks you stuff in them.
Puppy Coat Changes and More Grooming
Another change going on throughout puppyhood is the changeover from the puppy coat to the adult coat. Most breeds and mixes have puppy coats that are typically characterized by softer puppy fur. The puppy coat can start to dissipate anywhere between 4-8 months.
Typically by 9 months the adult coat has almost fully emerged. The adult coat is usually coarser hair that can protect your pup against the elements. Even lesser-shedding dogs will have a changeover in coat, so watch out for mats and tangles when the adult coat comes in!
9 Month Puppy Grooming Tips and Tricks
Create a schedule: puppies thrive on continuous, positive exposure to handling and grooming. Create a puppy grooming schedule and stick to it! Pair moments of handling and grooming with tiny food rewards and your pup will come to appreciate these brief sessions.
The Run Down
During grooming times give your pup a quick once over. Check the eyes, ears, paws, and armpits. Make sure there is no discomfort or sensitivity to touch. This is a good habit to get into and will allow you to spot changes or irritants affecting your 9 month old puppy.
Treat, Treat, Treat
This will start the associations of grooming time with tasty treat time. So grab those treats, bully, or sausage in your Pup's box this month and let them have at it while you pamper your big baby.
Bath Time
Dogs prefer to be dirty, this is a simple fact of life. But when the stench gets unbearable, a bath is long overdue.
Brush Regularly
Consistent brushing is crucial no matter your dog’s breed or mix. Even short haired dogs need regular brushing to help spread out essential oil and remove dandruff, loose hair and debris.