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Training & Development4 Month Old Puppy

Your puppy is curious, clumsy, full of affection and absolutely adorable. At 4 months old your puppy is at one of the cutest ages and has come a long way since being just a newborn pup. I’ll bet you are the talk of the town! There are a lot of changes going on within your puppy’s fluffy body. Your pup is going to put on height and weight at a rapid pace during this time and is being exposed to more people, places, and things.

cute 4 month puppy

Your puppy is starting to develop preferences. Your job as a pawrent is to help the pup feel safe and secure in as many new environments as possible, this will help your pup grow up to be confident, kind, and ready to handle all that the world has to throw your way. Pay special attention to using positive reinforcement training techniques. Any harsh punishment can have a negative effect on your puppy’s psyche, especially during this sensitive period of development.

Let the Games Begin Socialization Tips for Your 4 Month Old Puppy

After your 4-month-old pup has received all shots he is ready to meet his friends at the park, daycare, and puppy training classes. All of these new outings should be fun and exciting for your little rascal. Exposure to new surroundings at a young age will help with the socialization process. Always supervise the furbaby, especially in dog parks and around children. Remember, you are your puppy’s protector. If your puppy gets stressed out or frightened by rough housing with other dogs, remove him from the situation.

Forcing your puppy to interact will only cause your pup to fear the situation in the future, and can hurt the bond you have with your little angel. Always keep a careful eye on your puppy to make sure he is enjoying these experiences and help him along by playing games and offering training rewards and treats. The socialization process should start as early as 9-22 weeks of age and will help through the puppy fear phase. Never push your puppy into situations he is uncomfortable with. Your 4-month-old puppy should be able to discover the world at his own pace, and it is your job to make him feel comfortable doing so!

Check Out Our Puppy Socialization Checklist!

Download it today to keep track of all of your pup's encounters!

4 month puppy guide

Coping With Puppy Teething Blues

Spring-cleaning is one thing, but by the time your puppy is 4 months your shoe closet starts to look depressingly barren. The puppy teeth continue to fall out and the adult teeth push through. Your puppy’s little daggers are the driving force of destructive behavior around the house, and your little rascal requires constant supervision in order to keep his focus on approved chew toys. Luckily for your puppy, the painful process of teething is almost over. Most dogs have a full set of teeth by 6 months old. So, keep providing plenty of things for your pup to chew on through the home stretch. Remember to always limit temptation by picking up things that shouldn’t be eaten, and keep a close eye on your fur baby at all times.

Freezable Puppy Chews

Cold chew toys sooth the gums. Try to buy a freezable toy, or pull a MacGyver and make one from scratch. Frozen carrots work wonders, or try to tie an old t-shirt/towel in a few knots, drench with water and freeze overnight. Your pup will love to tear and gnaw on the frozen fabric. But remember what Confucius said… what will freeze... will also melt all over your house.

Rotating Puppy Toys

Change up your pup’s chew toy options daily. This will keep interest on the new toys instead of your heals.

P.S. If you haven’t tried PupBox we’ve got your monthly fix of puppy approved goods ;) .

Check It Out

Repetition & Patience

It takes time and repetition for your 4 month old puppy to learn what are legal chew objects and what are not. Be patient, reward and praise your puppy when he picks up an approved chew toy. Never yell at your 4 month puppy or grab the muzzle to correct the action. A hostile response might scare your pup and teach him not to like hands reaching toward the face.

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