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Training & Development11 Month Old Puppy

Is My Puppy Done Growing Yet?

11 month lab puppy

Not too long ago your pup was just a little newborn puppy fur ball. It is truly amazing how fast they grow up. We hope you got plenty of pictures! By the 1 year old mark, small breed puppies tend to be full grown. Large breed pups take anywhere from 1.5-2 years, so keep filling out a growth chart for your pup. He might just have a few more inches left.

Your First Puppy Yearly CheckupTime to Schedule that 11 Month Puppy Physical

Going to the vet isn’t my idea of a good time either, but the yearly vet exam for your puppy is an important habit to get into. When you arrive at the vet make sure you are in high spirits. Your 11 month puppy picks up on energy, and having a good attitude will help prevent fear in your little fur ball. Bring some treats to give your puppy before and during the exam. This will help his association for future visits.

11 month golden puppy

The vet will begin the examination by checking your 11 month pup’s physical condition. This includes a thorough analysis of the eyes, ears, skin, coat, mouth, nose, tail, paws, heart and lungs. Your puppy will also receive his yearly vaccinations. Make sure to take your vet’s advice on a proper vaccination schedule. Lastly, be prepared for your visit. If you have any lingering questions jot them down and get your money’s worth with all of the questions you can squeeze in!

Questions To Ask Your Vet About Your Puppy

Beginning The Transition From Puppy Food to Adult Food

As your puppy approaches the 1 year mark, it is important to start considering an appropriate adult food. As a puppy your little fur ball needed the extra calories in puppy food in order grow big and strong. As adulthood approaches, the extra calories can start packing on unhealthy pounds. Consult your vet about which brand and type of foods are best for your specific pup. To get you on the right track, here are some things to consider:

When to Transition to Puppy Food

The exact age that you should make the transition will vary based on your dog’s size and breed. While small breed dogs tend to reach full physical maturation by the 1 year mark, large breed pups may take longer. You should make the switch when your pup is reaching his full adult size. A good sign that your puppy is ready for the switch is a reduction in appetite. If your pup starts to eat less food, it is nature’s way of telling you that he is probably ready for a less caloric diet.

How to Transition to Puppy Food

Young dogs tend to have very sensitive stomachs, which seems amazing after all of the shoes and upholstery they tear through during puppyhood. It is important to make the transition to adult food slowly. After you choose a healthy adult food, start mixing the adult food in with the puppy food during mealtime. Start slowly and take several days to transition. Day one should be 1⁄4 adult food to 3⁄4 puppy food and day two should be closer to half and half. You should keep mixing the puppy and adult food for roughly 5-7 days.

Feeding Guidelines For New Adult Dog Food

The amount you feed your pup depends on his size and diet. Consult your vet about the appropriate number of cups of food that your puppy needs each day. Dog food companies are notorious for listing excessive feeding amounts on packaging, and it is important that you do not overfeed.

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