What is PupBox?
Featured on Season 8 of Shark Tank
PupBox is re-inventing the way you raise your furbaby. Each month we hand select and deliver the very best puppy products and training information that you and your puppy need. Toys, treats, accessories and training guides are all customized for your baby's changing needs. PupBox will walk you through housetraining, teething, adolescence and into adulthood. Puppyhood is hard, PupBox makes it easier!
Get StartedGetting in The Tank
The Application Process

The Video
The first step in our application process was creating a video to introduce ourselves to the sharks! We know the producers receive over 30,000 applications for the show every single year, and we wanted to stand out. We figured the best weapon we had was our fluffy Goldendoodle Maggie, so we grabbed our GoPro and headed to the park. We started the pitch holding Maggie, first I held her like a baby, then Ariel put her on her back. Maggie is about 60lbs, so if this didn’t stick out a bit then nothing would. We closed our video interview with a promise… if you bring us in the Tank, we will bring puppies with us! So ya, it was kind of cheating … but it worked.

Pitch Prep
So we made it through the application process, we were given a potential film date, and the next step was crafting our pitch. Our producers were awesome helping us out. They gave us feedback on our pitch and helped us polish and trim it down. As the film day approached we were ready to go. We had our “puppy actors” all lined up, and we gave them each a name that corresponded to each Shark (Ferrari, Chanel, Cash, DJ and Mavy). We had a walk through with the producers the day before the big event, we went through our pitch and half way through… Ben totally blanked on his lines! It was a big ‘oh s*#%’ moment. The night before the filming was the toughest, our nerves were at an all-time high!